- February 25, 2025
- Posted by: ccrc
- Category: Uncategorized
Free download Winzip Pro for Windows PC’s most popular Windows ZIP tool for file compression, sharing, E for encryption and data backup. No other usefulness of the file compression is as easy to use or offers such a complete and innovative set of features that will save you time, preserve the location and improve productivity.
You can immediately compress the files to save the local repository. , Send Swifter email And reduce file upload/download time. ZIP documents, spreadsheet, pdfs, presentations, you name it! You can quickly capture and unpack the files to save the storage space, speed up your email. Mail transfer and reduce download time.
Winzip Pro features
- Compress files to save space and reduce transmission times
- Disable all basic file formats
- > Compress JPEG video files 20-25%without losing the quality or integrity of the data.
- Split ZIP files for large zip files suitable for removable media
- ZIP files to reduce email. Mail Annex Size
- Protect files with banking level encryption
- access and control files on files on your computer, network and clouds
- Take advantage of hardware support in specific Intel on computers to make an even faster AES encryption
- Planning work so that they do automatically and unattended
- Prevent data loss using an automated data backup device
- Email, FTP Loading or Burn ZIP files for disk using Job Wizard
- Backup CD or DVD and automatically if you need “OneDrive” and more…
system requirements and technical details
- Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 LI> RAM (Memory): 2GB RAM (recommended 4GB)
- Free hard drive space: 800 MB or more
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